Leo & Randy On “What’s Next?”

This pandemic of 2020 has disrupted every industry and every nation, challenging groups and teams worldwide. Adaptability and efficiency are “hot topics” for every organization. Today, Leo and Randy have a conversation centered around one question, “What’s next?”

Do you have an experience – a story – of a high-performing team? One you’d share with us? Use the contact page and tell us about it.



For ideas on why leaning on your peers and serving one another at this critical time has never been more important, listen to our podcast.  If you have questions or ideas for us, contact us today.

Useful links:

Experience And Education by John Dewey (1997 book containing many timeless insights)

Team of Teams: New Rules of Engagement for a Complex World by Gen. Stanley McChrystal (2015)

Bruce W. Tuckman – forming, storming norming and performing in groups

Leo’s latest CEOWORLD articles

Leo’s books – The Power of PeersWhat Anyone Can Do, Peernovation (Coming soon!)

The Peer Advantage – Randy is now interviewing candidates to form his charter online/virtual charter peer advisory group for SMB owners

Subscribe to the YouTube channel

Connect with Leo on Linkedin | Twitter | Instagram

Connect with Randy on Linkedin | Twitter | Instagram

Alexander Keehnen On Purpose-Driven Entrepreneurs

Alexander Keehnen is founder and CEO of WIN Mastermind, the personal development and business club for purpose-driven entrepreneurs. They practice teamwork to help each other’s businesses grow. Members continuously exchange their expertise, skills and their business connections… on a common journey to live on purpose and have a positive impact in the world.

Alexander is a leading thinker in efficiency and collaboration who believes that when mature open-minded individuals come together in a trusted environment, life becomes a simple game of ask and receive.



For ideas on why leaning on your peers and serving one another at this critical time has never been more important, listen to our podcast.  If you have questions or ideas for us, contact us today.

Useful links:

Leo’s latest CEOWORLD articles

Leo’s books – The Power of PeersWhat Anyone Can Do, Peernovation (Coming soon!)

The Peer Advantage – Randy is now interviewing candidates to form his charter online/virtual charter peer advisory group for SMB owners

Subscribe to the YouTube channel

Connect with Leo on Linkedin | Twitter | Instagram

Connect with Randy on Linkedin | Twitter | Instagram

Francis Cholle On Squircle

Francis Cholle is an international business consultant, best-selling author, and engaging speaker. Francis is the CEO/Founder of The Human Company where he helps companies rethink business in ways that conventional strategic management cannot. His clients are major, mid-size, emerging firms, including global powerhouses across a wide variety of industries such as beauty, luxury, pharmaceuticals, communications, media, and information technology. Francis also formed Squircle Academy, which is the topic of today’s conversation.



For ideas on why leaning on your peers and serving one another at this critical time has never been more important, listen to our podcast.  If you have questions or ideas for us, contact us today.

Useful links:

Leo’s latest CEOWORLD articles

Leo’s books – The Power of PeersWhat Anyone Can Do, Peernovation (Coming soon!)

The Peer Advantage – Randy is now interviewing candidates to form his charter online/virtual charter peer advisory group for SMB owners

Subscribe to the YouTube channel

Connect with Leo on Linkedin | Twitter | Instagram

Connect with Randy on Linkedin | Twitter | Instagram

Holly Woods, PhD On Purpose

Holly Woods, PhD is the author of a new book, The Golden Thread: Where to Find Purpose in the Stages of Your Life. She is the owner/founder of Holly Woods Coaching, where she enjoys serving visionary entrepreneurs, founders, and innovators who use their business as a vehicle to change the world. Click here to get her free PDF entitled, “Purpose To Impact Roadmap.”



For ideas on why leaning on your peers and serving one another at this critical time has never been more important, listen to our podcast.  If you have questions or ideas for us, contact us today.

Useful links:

Leo’s latest CEOWORLD articles

Leo’s books – The Power of PeersWhat Anyone Can Do, Peernovation (Coming soon!)

The Peer Advantage – Randy is now interviewing candidates to form his charter online/virtual charter peer advisory group for SMB owners

Subscribe to the YouTube channel

Connect with Leo on Linkedin | Twitter | Instagram

Connect with Randy on Linkedin | Twitter | Instagram

Dan Hoffman On Why We Learn Best In Circles

Dan Hoffman believes that business is philosophy in action, culture eats strategy for breakfast, and learning is leverage. After starting, growing, and selling a cloud-based technology company Dan and his family spent a few years in Spain learning what he wanted to do next. From that sabbatical came an idea focused on peer learning. Today, Dan leads Circl.es, a company featuring a platform that fosters deeper conversations to create enduring connections and learning.



For ideas on why leaning on your peers and serving one another at this critical time has never been more important, listen to our podcast.  If you have questions or ideas for us, contact us today.

Useful links:

Leo’s latest CEOWORLD articles

Leo’s books – The Power of PeersWhat Anyone Can Do, Peernovation (Coming soon!)

The Peer Advantage – Randy is now interviewing candidates to form his charter online/virtual charter peer advisory group for SMB owners

Subscribe to the YouTube channel

Connect with Leo on Linkedin | Twitter | Instagram

Connect with Randy on Linkedin | Twitter | Instagram

Angela Maiers On Why WE Matter

Angela Maiers is the founder of Choose2Matter, a global movement that challenges and inspires students to work collaboratively to develop innovative solutions to social problems. She has also authored six books, including Classroom Habitudes and The Passion-Driven Classroom, which introduced the concept of “Genius Hour” in education.  Her “You Matter” talk at TEDx Des Moines in June 2011 has been viewed several hundred thousand times and was the impetus for Choose2Matter.  Angela’s powerful message and down-to-earth style have made her a highly sought-after keynote speaker for education conferences, corporate events, and innovation summits. We’re pleased to have her as our first-ever 3-time guest (she has appeared on all 3 iterations of this podcast).

Connect with today’s guest – Angela Maiers – on Twitter @AngelaMaiers.



For ideas on why leaning on your peers and serving one another at this critical time has never been more important, listen to our podcast.  If you have questions or ideas for us, contact us today.

Useful links:

Angela’s upcoming event is EDUCATION FOR HOPE AND HEALING – A #LEARNINGREVOLUTION MINI-CONFERENCE (Click the link and register. This 3-hour online event is free.)

Leo’s latest CEOWORLD articles

Leo’s books – The Power of PeersWhat Anyone Can Do, Peernovation (Coming soon!)

The Peer Advantage – Randy is now interviewing candidates to form his charter online/virtual charter peer advisory group for SMB owners

Subscribe to the YouTube channel

Connect with Leo on Linkedin | Twitter | Instagram

Connect with Randy on Linkedin | Twitter | Instagram

Craig Weber On Conversational Capacity

Our podcasting journey began with Year Of The Peer Podcast (influenced by Leo’s first book, The Power of Peers). That podcast gave rise to Leo’s second book and our second podcast season, What Anyone Can Do. Now, we’re rebranding the podcast to reflect Leo’s upcoming third book, with a laser focus on building high performing teams. Welcome to Peernovation.

Our first guest is Craig Weber, author/speaker, and leader of The Weber Consulting Group. Craig authored Conversational Capacity and Influence In Action, books that provide valuable frameworks on how people can better engage in effective communication for improved performance.



For ideas on why leaning on your peers and serving one another at this critical time has never been more important, listen to our podcast.  If you have questions or ideas for us, contact us today.

Useful links:

Craig Weber’s books: Conversational Capacity and Influence In Action

Leo’s latest CEOWORLD articles

Leo’s books – The Power of PeersWhat Anyone Can Do, Peernovation (Coming soon!)

The Peer Advantage – Randy is now interviewing candidates to form his charter online/virtual charter peer advisory group for SMB owners

Subscribe to the YouTube channel

Connect with Leo on Linkedin | Twitter | Instagram

Connect with Randy on Linkedin | Twitter | Instagram

Leo & Randy On Transition (Including Our Podcast)

Leo’s first book (a book co-authored with Vistage CEO, Leon Shapiro) was titled The Power Of Peers. After the publication, our podcasting adventures started with The Year Of The Peer, the first iteration where we interviewed over 50 high achievers who taught us that peers should likely be viewed through a wider lens. Every person is influenced by a variety of people who help us learn and grow. From those interviews, Leo was inspired to write his second book, What Anyone Can Do (a title inspired by running coach Joe Henderson who observed that what differentiates most successful people from the rest of us is not their raw talent; its that they consistently do what anyone can do, that most of us never will).

Our pursuit of learning and evangelizing the peer advantage continues. We passionately seek to learn more about how all of us can benefit by being more intentional and purposeful in making our circle of influence as useful as possible. It’s not just about our personal growth, but it’s also about our joint cooperation to serve one another so we can all grow and improve.

During this pandemic Leo was able to complete his third book, Peernovation: What Peer Groups Can Teach Us About Building High Performing Teams. Due to be published this fall, Leo narrowed the focus to our most passionate pursuit, helping people learn and leverage the truth that who you surround yourself with matters! We also tightened our focus in the podcast, too.

The work isn’t limited to books or this podcast, but it encompasses all of our work. Within the last year, Leo has launched a new company, Peernovation, LLC aimed at providing deeper insights and service to leaders, individuals, teams, and groups. Together, we’re taking a sharper aim as we follow our belief that together we can accomplish so much more, individually and together. Peernovation is a professional service provider helping leaders build and create more effective teams. Peernovation also serves individuals and organizations who want to achieve elevated personal and group performance.

Beginning next week, we’re rebranding the podcast as Peernovation. Our first guest is scheduled to be Craig Weber, author/speaker, and leader of The Weber Consulting Group. Craig authored Conversational Capacity and Influence In Action, books that provide valuable frameworks on how people can better engage in effective communication for improved performance.



For ideas on why leaning on your peers and serving one another at this critical time has never been more important, listen to our podcast.  If you have questions or ideas for us, contact us today.

Useful links:

Craig Weber’s books: Conversational Capacity and Influence In Action

When In Doubt, Do The Opposite, Leo’s CEOWORLD article

Leo’s books – The Power of Peers, What Anyone Can Do, Peernovation (Coming soon!)

The Peer Advantage – forming now, Randy’s online/virtual charter peer advisory group for SMB owners

Subscribe to the YouTube channel

Connect with Leo on Linkedin | Twitter | Instagram

Connect with Randy on Linkedin | Twitter | Instagram

Leo & Randy With Jay Izso

Eight weeks into the COVID-19 pandemic, we’ve now had time to process what is happening to us.  All of our lives have been significantly disrupted, which is why today we’ve invited Jay Izso to join us, as we try to learn from this experience…together!


For ideas on why leaning on your peers and serving one another at this critical time has never been more important, listen to our podcast.  If you have questions or ideas for us, contact us today.

Useful links:

Jay Izso is the host of the podcast, The New Direction

Leo’s updated speaking page is here

Keep up with Leo’s latest writings in CEOWORLD Magazine

Leo’s books – The Power of Peers and What Anyone Can Do

The Peer Advantage – Randy’s online/virtual charter peer advisory group for SMB owners

Subscribe to the YouTube channel

Connect with Leo on Linkedin | Twitter | Instagram

Connect with Randy on Linkedin | Twitter | Instagram

Leo & Randy On Fear

America is now slowly opening back up from the coronavirus pandemic. The past 6 weeks or so have provoked fear and uncertainty all over the planet. From school teachers to corporate leaders, from local city government leaders to factory workers, we’re all fearful about the present and the future. How long will this last? What will things look like once our lives resume to something more like our past normal? We have more questions than answers. Time like these can help us better understand the value of peers and others – people who can help us see things more clearly as together we try to figure out ways to build our brightest future.

For ideas on why leaning on your peers and serving one another at this critical time has never been more important, listen to our podcast.  If you have questions or ideas for us, contact us today.

Useful links:

Leo was part of an online panel this week entitled, Focus on the PLAN, not the PROBLEM

Leo’s updated speaking page is here

Keep up with Leo’s latest writings in CEOWORLD Magazine

Leo’s books – The Power of Peers and What Anyone Can Do

The Peer Advantage – Randy’s online/virtual charter peer advisory group for SMB owners

Subscribe to the YouTube channel

Connect with Leo on Linkedin | Twitter | Instagram

Connect with Randy on Linkedin | Twitter | Instagram