
Why You Should Engage Peers Who Are Different From You

If you asked someone to define the word peer, or to describe a peer, he/she might respond by saying, “Someone like me.”  While that’s partly true, it doesn’t mean you can’t have peers who are very different from you as well.  When you think of the word peer in this way, you can start to consider the implicit value of peer diversity.

The very notion of peer diversity may feel like a contradiction, but by broadening your definition of peer, it allows you to consider the value of engaging people from different backgrounds and various walks of life.  When I interviewed iHeartMedia Chairman & CEO, Bob Pittman for The Power of Peers, he told me:

“I go to Burning Man every year.  I go there because it’s the most radical departure from the life that I lead in business that I could imagine. It’s great for me because, for a week, I’m seeing the world completely differently. I like to travel to exotic places and countries. I like to go to Bhutan, where they have “Gross National Happiness” instead of gross national product, and spend a week there just to sort of sense, okay, how can I change my perspective?  I think everyone in this company is looking to my leadership to be open-minded. They’re looking to me to find a new path, to help find the pivots, to help find the transformations.  Anything that can guide me on that is the most important thing.”

Peer diversity is not an oxymoron.  As you prepare for the new year (the Year of the Peer, if you will), think about spending time with people outside your social circle or vertical industry sector. Step out of your comfort zone.  Hang out with people whose experiences and backgrounds are different from your own and who likely know things you don’t.  When they espouse an opinion that’s different from yours, rather jump to making a judgment about it (as many of us often do), ask questions in the hope you can discover where they are coming from and how they formed their opinion – even if you ultimately don’t agree with it.  This is how we learn and how we keep that open mind Bob Pittman talked about.

Consider this quote from Seth Godin: “A fundamentalist considers whether a fact is acceptable to their faith before they explore it.  A curious person explores first and then considers whether they want to accept the ramifications.”

As you prepare for the upcoming year, rather than make a lofty new year’s resolution, make yourself a promise instead:  engage more people unlike yourself and stay curious.

Image: Burning Man, 2013

Santa Has Peers, Too!

…just don’t tell the little ones!  It appears that Santa(s) got a jump-start on the Year of the Peer today at the annual Crested Butte Santa Ski and Crawl (Pub Crawl, that is). The featured image was taken at last year’s event. I caught up with a few Santas at today’s spectacle (see below) who I could hear sharing all kinds of info that only Santas would truly understand, yet could benefit us all. Unless you’ve sat in Santa’s Chair, with kids sitting on your lap asking you for stuff all day long, you can’t empathize, but you can learn something.

While part of the allure is setting the world record* for the number of skiing Santas, I got the sense that they just really like spending time together, talking Santa to Santa, if you will. It was snowing up on the mountain today, and while the conditions may have deterred some people, the Santas weren’t even fazed – as you might imagine. This was nothing for them. I felt a little guilty eavesdropping, but I learned so much! Everything from how to groom one’s beard in the off-season to what to wear on Christmas eve so that you can stay warm in Minnesota and still be comfortable in South Florida.

If you have friends or colleagues that you would love to give a present to this holiday season, but you really don’t want to spend any money on them (or you want to add to what you’re already giving them), sign them up to receive the weekly Year of the Peer Podcast – it’s free and it will be the gift that keeps on giving in 2017!  Just tell them Santa(s) recommended it!

*As for whether there was a world record set today or not, I’ll get back to you!

12 Must Reads for The Year of the Peer

Listed in alphabetical order by the author’s last name, you’ll find twelve “must reads” for the Year of the Peer.  Read one a month starting in January.  If you’ve read one or more of them already, offer your reviews or add a title of your own you may not see here!  If you’re so inclined, any one of these books would be a wonderful holiday gift for a friend or colleague!

January –  Daring Greatly by Brené Brown

February – Who’s Got Your Back by Keith Ferrazzi

March – Critical Mass by Richard Franzi

April – True North Groups by Bill George & Doug Baker

May – Conversational Intelligence by Judith E. Glaser

June – Team Genius by Rich Karlgaard

July – Learning Leadership by James Kouzes and Barry Posner

August – The Power of the Other by Henry Cloud

September – Fierce Conversations by Susan Scott

OctoberPeers, Inc. by Robin Chase

NovemberConversational Capacity by Craig Weber

December – Cultivating Communities of Practice by Etienne Wenger and Richard McDermott

*And of course, don’t forget The Power of Peers by Leon Shapiro and Leo Bottary



50 is the New 24

While it would be amazing if I were talking about age and how 50 is really the new 24 in terms of our health, fitness, appearance, etc., I have some other news to share.  As Randy Cantrell and I have been reaching out to top business leaders, scholars, and authors to appear on our 2017 Year of the Peer Podcast series starting January 12th, we quickly realized, based on the positive responses we’ve received and the breadth of the topic, that 24 shows wasn’t going to cut it.

Our original plan was to release the show on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of every month in the hope we could attract that many guests and that the conversations would provide enough diversity for our audience.  It’s become apparent now that we underestimated the potential of this podcast series on both fronts.  The good news is that we figured it out now.

So we’re pleased to announce that every Thursday from January 12th thru December 21st (50 shows), you’ll be able listen and/or view a new podcast featuring some amazing people.  As promised, some you may know, others you may not (but you will soon), as all of them are amazing at what they do and will have some incredible stories and wisdom to share about what the power of peers means to them and what it can mean for you and your organization.

Here’s a sneak peek at some of the guests who have agreed to participate on the show.  Our first guest will be Altimeter Group Founder and CEO, and bestselling author Charlene Li.  Other guests (not necessarily listed in the order they will appear) will include:  Jim Kouzes, Rahfeal Gordon, JJ Ramberg, Linda Darling-HammondVitaly Golomb, Laura Goodrich, Lewis Schiff, and Etienne & Beverly Wenger-Trayner.  And that’s just for starters.

50 is the new 24.  Join us!  More details coming soon!

Image: Learning Through Inquiry

10 (11) Ways to Prepare for the Year of the Peer

I am sitting in my family room watching the Ohio State/Michigan game, laptop in lap, posting on the topic of preparing for the Year of the Peer.   A few moments ago, I received a text from a friend I met since moving to California about eight years ago. The message read: Just wanted to say that post Thanksgiving, I have a real sense of gratitude for all the family, friends, and acquaintances in my life. Hope I’ve been good to you, too!

Hard to think of a better way to prepare for the Year of the Peer than thanking the people you care about, sharing how much you appreciate them, and letting them know you hope you’re making a positive difference in their lives as well.   It’s something we don’t do often enough, yet being the recipient of such a message has already made my day and inspired me to complete this blog post (game notwithstanding).

After thanking the people who are making a difference in your life, here are 10 other suggestions:

  1. Commit yourself to the idea that who you surround yourself with matters.  Recognize that so much of who you are and what you achieve in life is a reflection of your peers.
  2. Take stock of the people in your life. Who is lifting you up, holding you at bay, or even dragging you down?  Spend more time with the people who will help you raise your game.
  3. Ask yourself:  Who did I meet this year (whom I didn’t know last year) who has made a positive difference in my life?  Consider how you can advance those relationships to your mutual benefit.  (And if you don’t have anyone new in your life, take note of that for next year).
  4. Ask yourself: Who have I lost touch with over the years?  How and why did that happen?  Not every relationship in our life is meant to last forever.  However, often times we can lose touch with someone without even realizing it.  Before we know it, x years have gone by and we just never realized it.  Don’t let that discourage you from reaching out!   You’ll both be glad you did.
  5. Seek out individuals who will challenge your world view.  Too often, we hang out with people who are similar to us – for some of us, maybe too similar.  In the movie The Sure Thing, Professor Taub tells her students: “Have conversations with people whose clothes are not color coordinated.”  Good advice!
  6. Assume a posture of learning rather than judging.  The more often you can take the default position that you can learn from anyone if you just pay enough attention, the more likely you actually will.  Don’t judge others, or rate their opinions/answers to your questions, learn from them.
  7. Ask more questions of people and listen for understanding.   This is tough to do if you’re inclined to judge all the time, which is why being a learner is so essential.  Too often when people make statements we don’t agree with, we counter with our own diametrically opposed viewpoint.  While you can’t fathom how someone could hold such a view, you’ll never find out either if you leap into an argument.  Be curious instead.  If you do, you may never achieve agreement, but you might come to a mutual understanding and even develop a respect for a different point of view.
  8. Share what you do know with others who will benefit from your experience and wisdom.  Effective peer-to-peer relationships are powered by generosity and reciprocity.  As you learn from others, be sure you are returning the favor.
  9. Avoid the urge to make a New Year’s Resolution.  If anyone asks you, just say you’re not doing that this year.  According to the University of Scranton, while nearly half of Americans make New Year’s Resolutions, 92% of them fail.  People fail largely because their resolution lacks specificity and because they typically don’t ask for help.  Why be one of them?
  10. Set goals for yourself instead.  Once you’ve defined your goals, whether you want to run a company or run a marathon, surround yourself with people who have done it or want to do it.   This is where joining or starting a peer group can be incredibly effective!

Take these 10 thought starters (11 once you’ve thanked your peers for the year), add to them as you see fit, and share any ideas you may have for how you will prepare for the Year of the Peer in the comments section.  In the meantime, don’t forget to subscribe to our Year of the Peer video podcast on YouTube.  The link to iTunes will be available soon.   Enjoy your Saturday!

Image: Thank you.







Join Us for the Year of the Peer


Plan on subscribing to the podcast by all means, yet it’s my hope that you’ll join the movement!  In 40 days, the Year of the Peer begins, and on January 12th, Charlene Li will join us as our first podcast guest.  Who you surround yourself with matters and in today’s world, this has never been more relevant.  Have a look at the following five-minute video describing our podcast, which will be available here and on YouTube (video) and on iTunes, Stitcher and Google Play, etc. (audio).

Click here to subscribe and invite your peers to join you for the Year of the Peer.  Enjoy!

Reflecting On The Company You Keep

I was visiting a neighbor recently and there was a man in his mid-to-late 80s, who happened to be at the house as well.  During the course of conversation, he started to quiz me about my book, The Power of Peers: How the Company You Keep Drives Leadership, Growth & Success, which I coauthored with Leon Shapiro.  He asked some incredibly good questions.  I loved his curiosity and offered him a copy, which he graciously accepted.  In return, he jotted down a quote in Italian (see graphic above), which essentially means: “Tell me your company, and I’ll tell you who you are.”

While it’s strikingly similar to the English expression, “You’re known by the company you keep,” I found the translation of the Italian especially powerful.  There’s something more pointed about the idea that the people with whom I surround myself reveals something larger about who I am as a person.  I can only hope so because about a week or so later, I spent an incredible day in San Francisco with two people whom I not only admire and respect, but also really like.

André Eidskrem and Karen Floyd were kind enough to treat me to a taste of Europe with visits to the Royal Norwegian Consul General, Hilde Janne Skorpen and Spain Tech Center Director, Christian Prada.  Again, I marveled at the insightful questions and the immediate grasp of two things:  1) Who we surround yourself with matters; and 2) we don’t pay nearly enough attention to number 1.  Whether you’re a CEO of a Norwegian company, founder of a Spanish tech start-up, or just trying to spread the word about the power of peers and peer advantage.  We’re all far more effective when we surround ourselves with great people – people who will support us when we ask, challenge us when we need it, and provide a perspective that offers a new way of thinking or a new way forward.

As I reflect on the past year, I think about all the amazing people I’ve met who have already made my life richer.   I hope the company I keep, as the Italian expression suggests, is the truest reflection of who I am as a person.  Next time you look in the mirror, rather than look at your reflection, turn around and take stock of the people in your life.  Make this the reflection that matters most and it will change your life for the better.




A Culture of Accountability

I was recently invited to contribute a video for a webinar that was led by Vistage (UK) titled: Accountability – The glue that ties commitment to results.  When it comes to creating a culture of accountability, either for a peer advisory/mastermind group or for a team inside any organization, the five factors outlined in The Power of Peers: How the Company You Keep Drives Leadership, Growth & Success provide a fitting framework.  Here’s the video I submitted, which served as my small contribution to the larger conversation about accountability.  Enjoy and feel free to share your thoughts!!

We Are All Americans

Last night’s election results were a big surprise to many – me included.  Political strategist Steve Schmidt said that because trust in institutions (government, media, business, non-governmental organizations), both here in the U.S. and around the world, is at an all-time low, voters were seeking an alternative to the establishment/institutional  candidate.  It was the year of Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders.  No matter how much the media (see list of untrustworthy institutions) told us the election was over, the voters said, “Not so fast.” It appears that when Americans were faced with the choice of staying the course or trying something new, Trump’s argument, “What do you have to lose by voting for me?” resonated with just enough people in enough states for him to win the election.

In what I regard as the most divisive political contest of my lifetime, we’re going to be challenged as never before to bring our country together.   I can only hope that the collaborative tone Trump struck in his acceptance speech rings for the next four years.  As I wrote in an earlier post, Collaboration Trumps Competition, we have our hands full and we will all have to play our part in healing our nation.  My hope is that between now and January 20th, we can begin to see ourselves once again, not in terms defined by partisan politics, but as peers – as Americans – united in doing what’s best for our country and to serve as an example to the world in the years ahead.  I look forward to touching on this subject during our Year of the Peer Podcast Series.  Now that your vote was heard on behalf of your candidate, lend your voice to unite our country.

The Power of Peers Meets Appreciative Inquiry

The Erie Regional Chamber and Growth Partnership recently sponsored a Homecoming and Day of Excellence.  The event was inspired by what Detroit started in its own city a few years ago when leaders who once called Detroit home were invited back to meet the leaders living there today to talk about re-investing and re-imagining the community of which they share a common bond.   Over the past two years, the initiative has sparked more than $260 million in pending investments in metro Detroit by the expats.  The people of Erie would love to achieve a similar outcome.

Judging by the enthusiasm of the Erie community and the commitment to success from all who attended, Erie is going to do some great things.  Ninety-three companies stepped up as sponsors.  Speakers hailed from across the country to participate in the Day of Excellence program, and there was a palpable understanding that while an event may get the ball rolling and generate excitement, long-term success will require the tireless work of peers (community leaders and expats alike) for years to come.   I believe I witnessed the start of something big.

I was fortunate enough to be one of about 25 speakers invited to participate in the day’s festivities.  My topic, as you would imagine, focused on the power of peer advantage and creating the kind of peer-to-peer mechanism that will be necessary for making real progress.  How they work together will be the key though.  This is why, as I dropped in to listen to some of the other speakers’ presentations,  I was especially taken by Dr. Laurie McPherson from the University of San Francisco.

Dr. MacPherson weaved tales of her childhood in Erie with an approach to carving out a path for the future through “appreciative inquiry.” Rather than consider Erie’s current economic situation as a problem to be solved, appreciative inquiry challenges us to identify and value the best of what is, envision what might be, and talk about what should be.  Dr. MacPherson nailed it.  If I were going to lead peer groups assigned to tackle various aspects of Erie’s comeback, I’d post Dr. MacPherson’s advice at every meeting.  It will not only keep everyone laser focused on the task at hand, but also inspire a culture that’s hard-wired to leverage the region’s greatest strengths and position it for long-term prosperity.

The people I met were proud of their community and committed to making a positive difference regardless of where they may live today.  It was the power of peers meets appreciative inquiry.   I can’t wait to see what happens!